Global Deliberations Collaborative Summer Institute took place on June 26 and 27, 2024. The workshop was preceded by the year long meetings of the Leadership Team as well as a workshop for case studies developers who were graduate students from collaborating National Resource Centers. The case studies presented multiple perspectives for a given regional issue. Two IAUNRC graduate students, Ben Storsved and Stu McLaughlin, prepared a case study on Rights to Cultural Heritage in Central Asia and, in particular, claims to Manas Epic Trilogy, which was added to the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list in 2013. 17 teachers attended.
Teachers commented that they would be using deliberation skills in classroom to improve student engagement and that the deliberations model could easily be used with different materials. A social studies department chair at one of the Indiana schools who participated in the Institute planned to integrate the deliberations model in the school’s social studies curriculum.
Two Global Literacy Invitations workshops also took place in summer 2024: 6/10-6/14, 2024 and 6/12-614, 2024. GLI workshops are aimed at K-6 educators. The teachers create curricular units with the help of international picture books.
A total of 15 teachers participated.
Two teachers picked books from the IAUNRC region: a Mongolian (Story of the Mongolian Tent House) and an Afghan (The Carpet)
Each year IAUNRC cosponsors the Indiana University Summer Kodály Institute for music educators. 19 teachers from 9 US states attended the workshop June 10-June 21. The course content included a historical investigation of Zoltán Kodály and Belá Bartók, and their attempts to preserve the musical culture of Hungary through the collection of traditional songs during the early part of the 20th century. From this musical repertoire, a sequential method of music instruction was developed and implemented in Hungary. The approach became known as the Kodály approach, and is now utilized in countries throughout the world.